There are several different Quests you can take on during the Faire. Go to the House of Tudor and choose which Royal you want to swear fealty to, and they will give you a quest! Or do them all and collect the favor of all the Royals to display! (Adult and Kids quests available)
Did you know that Fairies come in all shapes, colors, and sizes? We have just found out that Fairies from all the realms are planning to come to the Utah Renaissance Faire and celebrate together!
Fairies are each special, just like people! And some have special gifts, like Opal the Fairy. Did you know she doesn’t speak with her mouth? Only with her hands! She speaks ASL! So if you have someone special that speaks ASL, come to the Faire and look for her. We also have a beautiful snow/ice fairy who was born with just one wing! So she can only fly in circles. But she turned that into a talent! You know the spirals and bubbles that show up in ice? SHE makes those! Because she can fly in such tight circles!
But watch out for the Fairy Smasher! The fairies need all the children to help them defeat the Fairy Smasher! Come to the Utah Renaissance Faire and find out how to be the hero of your own story and help the fairies! Come see the Sea Fairies, or the Art Fairies, and you might even catch a glimpse of the King and Queen Fairies of one of the realms!
Shield Wall
Watch out! Those Vikings tend to raid The Shire for treasures, then defend themselves in a Shield Wall in a kid-friendly launch at the Trebuchet.
The Shire
Perhaps the most unique part of the Faire is The Shire, where artisans and volunteers come to create a Tudor Village complete with church, Globe Theater, and even a pillory for the naughty ones! Meander through the village and learn about crafts and remedies of the day. Immerse yourself in the free activities and entertainment, and interact with our many characters, or purchase beautiful things.